10 interesting things about me


1. I have climbed a mountain 16,200 ft tall in the Himalayas

2. I have a degree in Furniture & Product Design

3. Last year I attended Awesomeness Fest, joining 250 entrepreneurs in Thailand for a personal development conference run by Mindvalley

3. When I setup our consultancy I was invited to pitch to the COO of Tesco after a secret research project

4. I can say the alphabet backwards really fast

5. I work as a leadership coach at Future Foundations. Each summer I run Global Social Leaders, a programme that brings together 50 future leaders from 8 counties to the UK

6. I run business training programmes with a charity called MyBnk, helping to build a generation of enterprise driven people

7. I am a recent yoga fanatic

8. I was born in Newcastle and love the North East of England. My love for travel, culture and sense of adventure brought me to London

9. My Mum inspires me. When she was 22 she started a nursery because there wasn’t one good enough in our area. With no experience she made it happen. It still runs today and little people and families are reaping the rewards!

10. I have a reputation for making things happen, being infectiously optimistic and extraordinarily creative

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